Free shipping for all orders from $99+

Cancel Policy

Customers can cancel their order within 24 hours of placing it, provided that the order has not been processed or shipped. To cancel your order, please contact our Email: or call +44 20 8133 7634.

Refunds for canceled orders will be made to the payment solution initially used by the customer. Please allow up to 3-5 business days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Order Processing:
Please note that we strive to process orders promptly to ensure the fastest delivery possible. Once an order has been processed, it cannot be canceled. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us immediately.
Refund Timeline:
The refund process may take up to 10  days, depending on your payment method and your financial institution. If you have not received your refund within this period, please note can contact our customer support for further assistance.
Please be aware that certain products may not be eligible for cancellation or return, such as underwear, and socks. In such cases, we will clearly state the non-cancellation policy on the product page.

Address: Monomark House, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N 3AX

Phone: +44 20 8133 7634

Warehouse Address: 2 Brighton Ave #1, Passaic, New Jersey, NJ 07055, United States


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